Answers in Genesis
Hits :5955
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis.

Hits :2208
The Brighton and Hove City Mission is an non-denominational Christian Charity that endeavours to make a positive difference to the inhabitants of Brighton and Hove.

Carey Outreach
Hits :25818
Carey Outreach Ministries has been raised up by God to seek to serve the church of Christ by training spiritual leaders in developing third-world countries.

Dorothea Mission
Hits :1669
An interdenominational faith mission serving in Southern Africa Dorothea means "Gift of God".

Ebenezer Reformed Baptist Church
Hits :1322
Ebenezer Reformed Baptist Church is a welcoming, friendly church located in the heart of Brighton. Ebenezer is an Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church that believes the Bible is the word of God and that it is relevant to people today.

Hits :1316
feba (uk) is a Christian charity which enables the broadcasting of radio programmes and audience relations to address people’s physical and spiritual needs in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Gideons International
Hits :1092
In 1899 three commercial travellers in the USA formed an association of Christian businessmen to encourage each other in their Christian faith and to spread knowledge of God through personal evangelism and united service for the Lord Jesus Christ. They chose the name Gideons after an Old Testament leader who, with a few chosen men, did a great work for God.

Hits :1294
Missionary Aviation Fellowship

Pastor Training International
Hits :1974
Pastor Training International aims to strengthen the Christian church in the poorest regions of the world - where resources and assistance are most needed, and in many cases, simply unavailable at present.

Hits :15389
Our Ministry is one of personal evangelism. Uniquely we are permitted, subject to Chaplain's recommendation and Commanding Officers' permission to visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation, work and recreation areas. This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Teen Challenge
Hits :1672
Teen Challenge is one the foremost Christian organisations in the UK offering positive help to young people trapped by addictions and other life controlling problems.

Trinitarian Bible Society
Hits :1054
The T.B.S. aims to publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures throughout the world in many languages.

West Worthing Evangelical Church
Hits :1280
The West Worthing Evangelical Church, Rugby Road, recognises that Christianity is far more than simply "cultural identity" but rather requires personal commitment to Jesus Christ. The Church believes that the Bible offers very sound advice, and that its message is both credible and true.

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