Our Church


By the grace of God make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey Him, for the glory of God.


So at Southern Cross Evangelical Church we want to be:

Christ glorifying

We want to learn more about Jesus together and to spread the good news to the people around us that He is alive and speaks today. You are warmly invited to join with us at any of our meetings.


With expository preaching and multiple word ministries with preaching that is faithful to God’s word; relevant connections to culture and community.

Prayer centred

Prayer as the regular feature of church life. We regularly meet to pray as small groups and as a whole church with a special day of prayer and week of prayer focus each year.

Mission focused

Concern for wider mission of the church in Sussex, the UK and worldwide.

Member focused

Involving all members in using their God-given gifts in his service through their whole lives in all their occupations.


Connected with other gospel partners – churches and mission organisations taking the gospel to our nation and to the world.

So that...

God is glorified and by His grace and power, many are converted and grow as disciples in living, serving and witnessing to their families, the church and world.

History of SCEC

Southern Cross Evangelical church was officially formed in 1890.

On 2nd April 1889, Mr A J Gill of 56 Westbourne Street, Hove purchased a piece of land in Trafalgar Road, Portslade and on that land the corrugated iron church was built.

On 20th October 1890 the church was first registered as a place of worship, however there is a plaque which is inscribed “In Loving Memory of Ellen Catherine Steele the first member of this Christian Mission who exchanged earth for heaven, October 3rd 1889 aged 64 years”.  Therefore, we can rightly assume that a congregation had been formed before 1890.

As industry spread around the development of the harbour, the gasworks opened in 1870.  Workers were drawn to the area and additional housing was needed.  Portslade Village, Southern Cross, Portslade-by-Sea and Copperas Gap were all enlarged, and, in the local directories of those years, information exists about the opening of various places of worship.  On 2nd April 1889 Mr Alfred James Gill, Gentleman, of 56 Westbourne Street, West Brighton (Hove) bought a piece of land 22 feet wide by 129 feet deep in Trafalgar Road, Southern Cross for £40.  This land came from the estate of James Holes, a  brickmaker.  An iron corrugated building was built and was to be known as Southern Cross Christian Mission Chapel.

The building was probably better than the description in one historical record where it is dismissed as having humble beginnings in a corrugated iron hut.  Kelly’s directory for 1900 states that at Southern Cross there is a mission hall, built in 1890 with 250 sittings.

A second piece of land of similar size to the first was bought on 10th August 1891 for £35 and this gave a joint frontage to Trafalgar Road which the former manse and the present church building occupy.  Mr A J Gill had moved to Fairhaven, 1 Carlton Terrace, Portslade, where the directories listed him as a ‘Private Resident’.  The sixth man came from West Brighton (Hove), James Boon, a furniture dealer.  We know very little about these men but are thankful to God for the faith they had over 100 years ago.

In Portslade there were other places of worship other than the Church of England and the nearest was in Buckle Street where a Primitive Church was registered, the leader being Pastor Harrison; in 1898 their pastor was A J Gillam. (This was probably the mission hall in Bampfield Street).

In 1902 we have the first mention of 105 Trafalgar Road, with Mr A Reeves listed as occupier.  During these years, work had been going on and a group of Christian men had been working together with William Willett, a local builder.  They had conveyed to them jointly various sites on which churches, missions or dwellings had been established or were planned to be.

In the case of Southern Cross, the transfer began on 1st November 1898, with the land with a mission hall being passed to William Willett and others for the sum of ten shillings (50p); the other piece of land, with a house on it, was transferred for the same amount, another ten shillings.  Both were transferred again in 1903 to those who were later to become the first trustees under the William Willett Trust.  How much is owed to these me will never be known; some were Pastors in other mission halls in the area of Brighton, Hove and Portslade.  Willian Taylor of Clarendon Villas, Hove was responsible for Clarendon Mission, Hove and another by the same name in Clarence Street, Portslade.  William Herbert Groves, Townshend Martin and Frank Penfold all served as missionaries in the area.

Under the Willett Trust, plans were made to replace the corrugated iron building with a brick structure.  Meeting on 1st November 1906, the proposal was discussed and a decision taken on 7th January 1907.  Estimates were accepted on 30th January 1907 and the buildings were officially opened on Thursday 6th June 1907.  The opening service was conducted by Pastor Fuller Gooch of Norwood.  Between the afternoon and the evening meetings there was fellowship around the tea tables (a practice which is often used at Southern Cross today).  The cost of the buildings was £1,200 and there was seating for 250 people.  It is reported that the brick building was constructed over the iron one, that being taken down and used elsewhere.  Did it go up in Portslade Village?

Stories have existed for many years that the church in the village came down to Southern Cross; perhaps that only meant the people who worshipped there.  Certainly several families from the village (including the Richardsons and Pesketts) joined Southern Cross about that time.  The first mention of a mission hall in South Street, Portslade Village, appears in a 1906 directory; this may have been the year of registration before moving the building to the village in 1907.  We do know that the mission hall in the village was dismantled in 1909 and moved to Fishersgate where it became the Fishersgate Mission.  It was moved to its present site in St Aubyn’s Road when the council exchanged land for building purposes.  An iron mission hall in St. Aubyn’s Road, Fishersgate was registered in 1909 and again as Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church in 1932.  Today it survives as Fishersgate Mission.  Pastor Abraham Reeves is shown as its missionary in 1918-1921.

By 1907, a number of other Christian churches and mission halls had become established in Portslade.  The nearest, in Beaconsfield Road, was Beulah Mission.  In 1902, in the house next door (then number 27, now number 26), Reuben Braden lived (one of the signatories on the conveyance of the second piece of land bought in 1891).  The mission hall in Bampfield Street, the Salvation Army and the Baptist Church, as well as a Wesleyan mission hall, were in existence in North Street, Portslade-by-Sea.  The Congregational Church and some other mission halls were also worshipping in other parts of the Southern area of the town.

In 1907, Portslade Urban District Council came into being, and the separate arcas became one unit, i.e. Portslade-by-Sea, Portslade Village, Southern Cross and Copperas Gap.  The Urban District ceased to exist in March 1974 when Hove Borough Council took over.

Over the years many nonconformist places of worship have closed or moved.  The Congregational Church, now the United Reformed Church, is still in Station Road and Southern Cross Evangelical Church (renamed since Wednesday, 7th June 1967) remains on Trafalgar Road.  Of the others, Bampfield Street mission hall moved to Chalky Road, where it is a Brethren Assembly; the Baptist Church moved to High Street Village in 1961.

Pastors and their work

There is no clear record of how the work at Southern Cross progressed in the early years.  Mr Abraham Reeves is shown as living in 105 Trafalgar Road in 1902.  He is also shown as missionary at Fishersgate Mission in 1918-1921.  Since that time the local directories list other residents at 105: 1921-1925 Mr. Frank Young; 1930-1931 Mr William Hills; and 1931 Mr H W Ball.  We do not know if Mr. Young and Mr. Hills played any part in the life of the church.  Mr. Ball, however, became pastor.

Two plaques in the church behind the lectern record the service of both Mr. Reeves and Miss Avery.  The latter served as secretary for many years.  It is her careful copying of a letter that gave us the name of Mr. A J Gill who began the work.

It has been said, by some who remember, that there were many visiting preachers in the early days, and probably this was the pattern of ministry under which the work was developed.  An entry in the 1909 Pike's directory shows the weekly times of meetings at Southern Cross Mission:  Sunday 11 am and 6.45 pm and Sunday Schools 10.30 am and 2.30 pm; Tuesday 7.30 pm prayer Meeting; Wednesday 6.30 pm Band of Hope; Thursday 7.30 pm Christian Endeavour; Saturday 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting.

The following is summarised from a copy if SUSSEX COUNTY MAIL of Saturday, 5th April 1913, reporting on the Sunday School Anniversary at Southern Cross Mission, Portslade:

Meetings were held on Sunday and Monday (3oth & 31st March).  Among those present were Mr. A Reeves (Missionary and Superintendent) and Mr. M Mitchell (Assistant Superintendent and Secretary) who gave the report, in which he said that 179 scholars and 16 teachers came to afternoon Sunday School.  The morning Children's service had a favourable attendance; 63 members attended Band of Hope, led by Miss M Tomlinson, Mr A Reeves and others. I.B.R.A. membershio was 36 and junior Christian Endeavour 21.

The cash received amounted to £27-10s-71/2 d with expenses coming to £26-11s-51/2d.

Special hymns were sung by the scholars, led by Mr. Hamper with Miss Tomlinson playing the organ.  Several children took part in recitations and dialogues.

Mr. Reeves dies on 26th September 1929 aged 90 years, having served the mission over a long period (the plague in the church records only 21 years). After his death, it was felt that it was time to call a pastor and, with the mission house now available, Mr H W Ball was invited.  He began his ministry on 11th December 1930 although the recognition services were not held until Thursday 22nd January 1931.  The speaker in the afternoon was ther Rev. Percy J Smart of Farnborough, Kent.  The Mayor of Hove (Councillor EJJ Thompson) and the Rev. S J Henman of Worthing are the principal speakers at the evening meeting; the chair was taken by Mr. Cecil V Brumwell, CC. (Mr. Brumwell was in business as a chemist in a shop almost oposite the mission for many years).

The six years of Mr.Ball's ministry did not see growth in the work but the following extracts from the Mission minute books from just before Mr. Ball came will fill in something of the happenings at Southern Cross.

3rd Feb 1930 - 13s 0d collected in Sunday School for Spanish Gospel Mission.

3rd March 1930 - Write to Mr. Finnigan for permission to place a gas cooker in the mission house.

9th April 1930 - Memorials to Mr. Reeve and Miss Avery - estimates accepted from Mr. Glascock.

5th Nov 1930 - Mr. H W Ball invited to take charge of the mission. Mr. A Peskett resigned as Treasurer (presentation of a clock made 13th May 1931).

20th Jan 1932 - Annual business meeting, thanks for the boards fitted to ventilators in roof of church.  Treasurer's balance in hand of £9 18s 5d.

28th February 1934 - First mention of Mr. and Mrs. W Brown (later, long serving secretary).

15th Aug 1934 - Agreed to Mr. P Richardson and helpers to decorate schoolroom.

27th Feb 1935 - Organ replacement sought. Organ fund proposed by Mr. Terry who gave 10/- to start. Mr. Brown to collect.

17th April 1935 - Amount collected to date £4 16s 6d. Proposed writing to Trustees for help.

11th Sept 1935 - Organ obtained for £12 12s 0d, with allowance of £2 0s 0d for old organ.

16th Dec 1936 - Mr. Ball announced moving to Lancing. Trustees were present and when discussing a successor it was stated that the only income available would be from the house next door and £1 0s 0d from the library which used the schoolroom.

In 1935 an attempt had been made to form a Boys' Brigade company but, due to the illness of Mr. F Thompson (Brighton Battalion Liaison Officer). it was not then possible.

A company of the Girls' Guildry was registered in 1934.

Mr. Ball's resignation took effect from 31st January 1937.  The number of worshippers being quite small, a curtain was hung across the church about half way down.  (They eyelet is still in the wall - under the clock).

From a number of names given as possible leaders, Mr H J Steed was chosen and began his ministry on 14th February 1937.  Starting as a part-time pastor, Mr. Steed continued to work as a milkman, but in a short time it became necessary for him to devote all his time to the work of Southern Cross Mission.  With enormous energy he built up the work, and by 1939 was able to be registered as a full-time minister.

In 1938 he began the Boys' Brigade Company under the leadership of Mr. Don Enticknapp and Mr. Harry Gander.  About this time, Mr. E Curtis and Mr. W Ford came into the fellowship and were invited to join the Company.  Mr. E Curtis became Captain, and the Official Enrolment into the Boys' Brigade as the 28th Portslade (Brighton) Company was made in 1939.  Most of the officers were called up into the services and the Company continued under the Captaincy of Mr. Curtis throughout the war years.

Southern Cross Mission continued to grow; a men's Bible Class met on Sunday afternoons in the manse; Sunday services were well attended  and it was often necessary to bring in extra seating for the Parade services.  In the years just before the war started, it was the custom for many of the congregation to go out into the open air after the evening service in the summer months.  The war resulted in many of the men in the Mission being called to serve the forces, and it is worth recording here that under God's goodness EVERY ONE OF THEM CAME BACK - for which we praise the Lord.

Throughout those years, Mr. and Mrs. Steed worked hard and, supported by the congregation, maintained a thribing work among all ages.  There were 180 chairs in the church and these were well used, especially at the evening services; the 'Mission' was a centre of activity in those dark days.

In 1945, just after the end of the second world war, Mr. Steed felt called to the work of the Connaught Mission, Lewes Road, Brighton.  He felt on 30th June but had already started enquiries which were to lead to the appointment of his successor.

Mr. J H M Hewitt came to Southern Cross on 1st September 1045 and his recognition services were held on 12th September.  Coming from a Savation Army background, he had a love of music and his strong lead in singing encouraged the congregation.  His stay at Portslade saw many innovations and, in the eleven years he and Mrs. Hewitt were here, the work revived during Mr. Steed's ministry was consolidated.

The post-war years was to bring a lot of building in the town, and new housing estates were built in the East Hill and Mile Oak areas.  young families, with new needs, were rehoused, as men and women returned from the services.  These estates, without any extra provision for church buildings, were to provide large numbers of children for the Girls' Guildry, the Boys' Brigade and teh Sunday Schools.  It was common to see long columns of children on the way to Sunday School as teachers collected them.

The monthly church magazine was started and eventually a duplicator bought.  The Easter Conventions became a feature of the district and for 27 years provided a spiritual uplift for members of many local and other churches.  Easter Monday afternoon usually meant a large gathering for tea after the 3 o'clock service in the church, following a day-long ramble by our young people with similar groups from other Sussex churches.  Even the 'tea' had a 'standing' and became known as 'the Southern Cross Tea'.  The evening rally was usually packed, with standing room only from many.

During Mr. Hewitt's time at Southern Cross, a uniformed Junior Christian Endeavour was successfully introduced.  The Church Council became an elected body; repairs and alterations were made and a coke-fired central heating system was installed to serve the church and the schoolroom.  The manse was extended by building an extension containing a bathroom, W.C., and study.  In January 1955 Ken and Phylliss Bennett (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown) went to Nigeria as missionaries with the Sudan Interior Mission.  They took their daughter, Jennifer, with them.  This was to be the start of a long association with the SIM for Southern Cross.

October 1956 was a notable month; the go-ahead was given to purchase a piece of land on what had been Mr. Stannard's nursery; the newly-built baptistry was opened, the speaker being Rev. E G Rudman of Holland Park Baptist Church, Hove.  On 23rd October, Mr. Hewitt resigend to take up the pastorate at Sunbridge Road Mission, Bradford.

A final meeting of the Church was arranged so that a 'state of the work' could be given.  Duplicated sheets showed how the sections were operating and Mr. Hewitt's comments were clearly given.  A thriving work existed and plans were in hand to celebrate the Jubilee of the present buildings which had been opened on 6th June 1907.

Special services were held on Sunday 2nd June 1957, with Rev. H J Steed being the speaker, and, on the following Thursday (6th), past friendships were renewed around the tea-table before the Rev. J L Bird (Walthamstow) spoke to the evening meeting.

After some discussion over a choice of candidates. Mr. L G Brooker was invited to come to take up the pastorate.  Coming from the Evangelisation Society, he was well-known to the people of Southern Cross Mission, having previously conducted a campaign there.  The induction service was held on Saturday 31st August 1957, after fellowship round the tea table.  The speaker was Rev. Eric Land of Worthing Tabernacle.

Mr. Brooker started his ministry the following day (1st September).  The congregation and departments were quite strong, and there was a growing number of young people, many from families within the church, who were to become involved in the work over the next few years.  A Young People's Fellowship was soon to be formed.  In June 1958 the Mission was involved, with friends from Portslade Baptist Church, in a united tent campaign on the land now occupied by shops in the Valley Road, Portslade.

After much discussion, it was decided to buy a prefabricated hall, to be erected on the land which had been purchased.  It was to cost about £1,700; to be made of concrete slabs; and to measure 45 feet by 33 feet.  It was first heated by radiant overhead heaters but these did not prove as suitable as hoped.  A building fund was started in November 1958, the trustees allowing the deeds to be deposited with Barclays Bank Ltd against a possible loan which, in the event, was not needed. (These deeds were not reclaimed until 1988 and are now once more with the solicitors of the William Willett Trust).  Work started on 12th April 1960 and was completed during August.  The new building was officially opened by Mrs. J Brockhurst on Sunday 10th September and a sercie of dedication was led by Mr. W S Powell (from Liverpool).

Strip lighting was installed in time for the Christmas 1960 services and, at the same time, a gift of deaf aids was made by our Boys' Brigade Company to mark their 21st year.  Mr. and Mrs. K Bennett had been home on furlough and returned to Nigeria early in 1961.

Odd notes from minute books record: a new gas stove for the manse in 1960; leaders of Junior Christian Endeavour resigned, resulting in its closure; a new zinc roof over the kitchen and vestry in 1961, at a cost of £79.16s.0d; and affiliation to the FIEC in February 1961.

A campaign led by Miss Sylvia Smith of the Evangelisation Society dureing November 1961 under the title 'This IS Life' was well advertised in the district and attracted good numbers every day.  (It is worth stating at this point that Southern Cross Mission was well served by the Evangelisation Society and many of our young people went to their summer camps).  At the same time, preparations were under way for the Eric Hutchings 'Sussex Crusade', which was held in May 1962.  Southern Cross, with other local churches, was involved.

Our friends from Portslade Baptist Church moved from North Street (almost the most southerly point in Portslade) to South Street, Portslade Villange (considerably further north than before), to a new purpose-built church and manse.

The American organ whch had been in service for many years was replaced by an electronic organ in November 1964 and the Dedication Service took place on the 14th.  A recital was given by Mr. G W Hoare, ARCM, LRAM, FTCC, Organist of Christ Church, Gipsy Hill, London; Director of Music, Archbishop Temple's School, Lambeth.

The coke burner for the central heating system was replaced by an oil-fired burner during the summer of 1965, and in 1966 the outer doors of the church were replaced and new centre doors were added to the vestibule screen.  An additional window was put in over the pulpit and new chairs were bought to replace the 180 which had been in use for so long.  The new chairs, being wider reduced the seating capacity to 144.

In Decemer 1969, Mr. Brooker was taken ill and this was finally to result in the church releasing him on medical grounds in March 1971.  Rev. F A Hart played an important role as chairman of the council during this time and in the interregnum which followed.

Saturday 3rd June 1967 was the start of a four-day celebration of SIXTY YEARS of work in the present buildings.  Rev. John Bird (Richmond) spoke at the Thanksgiving Rally at 7 pm that evening.  On Sunday 4th June, Rev. J H M Hewitt (Dovercourt) and Rev. H J Steed (Southampton) preached at the services as previous pastors.  A Fellowship Supper was held on Monday 5th June (ticket admission only) with a Great Praise Rally at 7 pm on Tuesday 6th June, at which Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (the well known minister from Westmister Chapel, London) was the speaker.  On Tuesday 7th June, Southern Cross Mission became Southern Cross Evangelical Church.

About this time, our young people were making their way in the world, some colleges, some into employment and many of the girls into nursing.  Some changed from other jobs to go into nursing and some went to residential Bible Colleges, where they met their future husbands/wives.  One or two went to the mission field and others became involved in Christian service.  For Southern Cross it was a time of mixed feelings; gladness in seeing these young men and women serving God in other places, but at the same time sadness at seeing our own ranks depleted as some very keen workers moved away.  Nothing stands still and the work goes on, and there are many of those young people now working in various parts of the country.

With Mr. Brooker being unwell, Rev. F A Hart, once a missionary and lately minister at the Countess of Hintingdon's, North Street, Brighton, was a great help as chairman of the Church Council.  He led the search for a replacement for Mr. Brooker.  This was to bring Southern Cross, Rev. Kenneth Blackwell, previously at Coventry and a former student at the London Bible College.

Mr Blackwell was inducted into the pastorate on Saturday 25th March 1972.  The Rev. F A Hart charied the meeting and Dr. Charles Stern from London Bible College gave the charge to the Minister, with Rev. A Sargeant, B.D. (Worthing Tabernacle) giving the charge to the church.  A younger man that Mr. Brooker, Mr Blackwell set about involving himself in the work of the church.

This period saw a number of changes.  The Girls' Brigade was closed down, as it was without officers.  Later, a Campaigners' Clan was started for girls.  The Sunday School changed its afternoon arrangements and put more emphasis on morning service attendance.  A number of people joined the congregation and the work was under some influence from outside sources.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell were in sympathy with the Charismatic Movement, and this caused some differences of opinion in the church.  As a result of this, Mr. Blackewell gave his notice to the church in June 1975.  He was to take training to become a teacher and circumstances led him to such an opportunity.  He and his family left Portslade in September 1975.  To many of teh congregation the demonstrated his personal caring attitude and was missed for his attention to those unwell or shut-in.

The period without a pastor was to be guided by Rev. Roland Fidge, then minister at Lancing Tabernacle.  A well-known man in local FIEC circles, he advised and chaired the meetings of the Church Council, which was beginning the task of writing a new constitution for Southern Cross Evangelical Church.  These years were times of waiting for the 'right man', and eventually the name of Rev. Ronald Philpott was mentioned.  A personal friend of Mr. Fidge, he was then minister of Free Church in Harrogate, Yorkshire.  Coming to preach in 1977 he was invited to become the pastor and was inducted on Saturday 4th February 1978 with the charges to the church and the congregation being given by Rev. Roland Fidge and Rev. Claud Trigger.

Among the first tasks was the finalising of the constitution and this was approved at the annual church business meeting in 1978 with effect from 1st January 1979.  It quickly became apparent that Mr. Philpott took his duties very seriously and his regular visiting was appreciated by the increasing number of 'shut-ins' as the congregation consisted of many who wre 'growing older'.

During the ten years that Mr. and Mrs. Philpott were at Southern Cross Evangelical Church a great deal of effort was made to combat the ageing of the buildings.  Both the church and the manse had longstanding damp problems.  Several attempts were made to deal with the damp at the front of the church.

A new, tiled roof was fitted to replace the slates on the manse but other repairs were to be left until the manse was vacant as these entailed structural and 'messy' repairs.  At the instigation of Mr. Ray Lade (one of the deacons) the manse kitchen was modernised and a new gas cooker fitted.  In the church buildings, opportunity was taken to modernise the pulpit area with a free standing pulpit and two side podiums for flowers.  The kitchen, adjoining the vestry, was modernised, with more work surfaces and a better cooker.

Under Mr. Philpott the work progressed and his consistent teaching was a feature of all his preaching.  His ability to aply Scriptural teacing to our everyday lives and his ready availability to those who sought help from him were great features of his ministry.  Tapes of the sermons were made available for the 'shut-in' folk as well as interested friends.  There was still a shortage of families joining the congregation and some parts of the work were affected by this.  The Girl Campaigners Clan had to close and some of the organisations were restricted because of numbers attending.

The missionary interest of the church was increased as Miss Mary Philpott began work in Zaire with the Baptist Missionary Society.  The congregation was pleased to take a special interest in all that she was doing.  Miss Joan Pengilly returned from working in Zaire with the Unegangelised Fields Mission and, after one or two short returns to the field, retired and came to worship with us.

In November 1987, Mr. Philpott informed the elders and deacons tht he had been invited to become a pastor at the United Free Church, Whitely Village, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.  He was inducted into that work on Thursday 24th March 1988 and a coach party from Sothern Cross was able to attend.

More of the history and photos coming soon…..

Previous Pastors

Rev. Abraham Reeves - 1902-1929

Rev. H W Ball - 1930-1937

Rev. H J Steed -1937-1945

Rev. J H M Hewitt -1945-1956

Rev. L G Brooker - 1957-1971

Rev. K Blackwell - 1972-1975

Rev. R H Philpott - 1978-1988

Rev. M Gladwell -1989-1994

Rev. T Atkins - 1996-1998

Rev. S Packham 2002-2021

What we believe

Doctrinal Basis

1. God

There is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in his holiness, justice, wisdom and love. He is the almighty Creator; Saviour and Judge who sustains and governs all things according to his sovereign will for his own glory.

2. The Bible

God has revealed himself in the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments alone. Every word was inspired by God through human authors, so that the Bible as originally given is in its entirety the Word of God, without error and fully reliable in fact and doctrine. The Bible alone speaks with final authority and is always sufficient for all matters of belief and practice.

3. Humanity

All men and women, being created in the image of God, have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God. God created us male and female, which is identified by our biological sex. Marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman and is a picture of the relationship between Christ and his bride the church. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be enjoyed only within the context of marriage.

4. The Fall

As a result of the fall of our first parents, every aspect of human nature has been corrupted and all men and women are without spiritual life, guilty sinners and hostile to God. Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God and needs to be born again, forgiven and reconciled to God in order to know and please him.

5. The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father. He taught with authority and all his words are true. On the cross he died in the place of sinners, bearing God’s punishment for their sin, redeeming them by his blood. He rose from the dead and in his resurrection body ascended into heaven where he is exalted as Lord of all. He intercedes for his people in the presence of the Father.

6. Salvation

Salvation is entirely a work of God’s grace and cannot be earned or deserved. It has been accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ and is offered to all in the gospel. God in his love forgives sinners whom he calls, granting them repentance and faith. All who believe in Christ are justified by faith alone, adopted into the family of God and receive eternal life.

7. The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven to glorify Christ and to apply his work of salvation. He convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a true understanding of the Scriptures. He indwells all believers, brings assurance of salvation and produces increasing likeness to Christ. He builds up the Church and empowers its members for worship, service and mission.

8. The Church

The universal Church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; for pastoral care and discipline, and for evangelism. The unity of the body of Christ is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel.

9. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper have been given to the churches by Christ as visible signs of the gospel. Baptism is a symbol of union with Christ and entry into his Church but does not impart spiritual life. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice offered once for all and involves no change in the bread and wine. All its blessings are received by faith.

10. The Future

The Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory. He will raise the dead and judge the world in righteousness. The wicked will be sent to eternal punishment and the righteous will be welcomed into a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God. God will make all things new and will be glorified forever.

Leadership Team


We are currently seeking our next Pastor to shepherd the flock, if you are interested, please see the FIEC advert by clicking the link below or contact the church office for more information.


Andy Billinghay


Chris Hayward

Allison Tester

Lorraine Voak

Brenda Gates

What to expect in our services

We meet in the chapel for both our morning and evening services on the Lord's day.  We open and read God's word, we sing hymns, we pray and we hear God's word preached, usually in an expository manner.  The meetings last between 1 hour and 1 hour 15 minutes.

After the first Sunday morning service of the month we observe the Lord's supper.  All those that know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour are welcome to attend the Lord's Supper.

We use the NKJV, the orginal Christian Hymns, the original Mission Praise and some hymns that are from the Evangelical Movement of Wales which are projected onto the screen.

Mission Partners

Dandora, Kenya

As a church we have had a long standing relationship with Dandora, in Kenya.  Over the years a number of the fellowship have been over and seen the great work that has been going on.

We have, in the past, raised money through giving and sponsorship events. The sponsorship events have been done through the CRU youth club to raise much needed funds.  These have been used to improve the school, improve the water supply and also help the local church.

We continue to give both in financial aid and in prayer. 

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) - https://www.maf-uk.org

Mission Aviation Fellowship – or MAF – They are a Christian mission organisation that uses planes to overcome barriers such as jungles, mountains, swamps, insecurity and dilapidated infrastructure. Their pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines – everything that can only be safely and speedily transported by air. Supporters give and pray to make this all possible.

With a MAF plane taking off or landing every six minutes, the need is huge.

Brighton & Hove City Mission - http://www.bhcm.org.uk/

Brighton and Hove City Mission was established in 1849 with the heart to reach out to our city with the good news of Jesus.

They care practically and spiritually for many of the needs around us in our city. They currently serve through three teams, and all the services are provided and given unconditionally to any who have a need. Each year they work with thousands of lives across the city, often working in partnership with others, including churches, schools, charities, and the local authority.

Donate to SCEC

If you would like to donate to Gods work at Southern Cross Evangelical Church please contact the church office where you will be provided with details of how to do this.